Airborne weather

7826 mots 32 pages
For Training Purposes Only

Airborne-Weather-Radar Interpretation

Airborne-Weather-Radar Interpretation Ian Gilbert
This familiarisation is targeted for aircraft equipped with Honeywell weather radar. The fundamental principles are, however, applicable to all weather radars in all aircraft.

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For Training Purposes Only

Airborne-Weather-Radar Interpretation

Weather-Radar Operating Principles and Interpretation. Presented by Ian Gilbert 1st November 2005

Document is not under revision control. All information is subject to the restrictions stated on the Proprietary Notice.

For Training Purposes Only

Airborne-Weather-Radar Interpretation

Radar Principles and Operation

Goals of the Radar: (1) Find the distance to an object (often called a radar target).

(2) To find the direction to the target.

(3) To determine the target’s reflection characteristics.

Here is how it works:

Document is not under revision control. All information is subject to the restrictions stated on the Proprietary Notice.

For Training Purposes Only

Airborne-Weather-Radar Interpretation

Radar Principles and Operation

The name RADAR is a contraction of the words RAdio Detection And Ranging.
This object is far from the radar. The Radar’s beam envelope.

This object is located near the radar.

Document is not under revision control. All information is subject to the restrictions stated on the Proprietary Notice.

For Training Purposes Only

Airborne-Weather-Radar Interpretation

Radar Principles and Operation
The Radar includes a Transmitter, Receiver and Signal processor. Radar’s Display and Control

12 NM
Side view
Transmitted Microwave Energy (about 2 usec)

2 1 3
Radar Target


Scanning Radar Antenna

Reflected Microwave Energy

Antenna-scan motor

Radar Operator
Radar Target


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